AOE Core Series 2022

Age of Empire 2 & 4 Tournament

Overview for partners

Thank you for reading this first draft, I would like to present you this future AOE tournament that will take place in Carcassonne, France in September 2022. The aim of this event is to organize a physical event around Age of Empire 2 & 4 with 3 tournaments as below:

Age of Empire 4


1 v 1

16 players


Age of Empire 2


1 v 1

16 players


Archery Medieval Tournament


Group Stage

All players and casters

Outside with Colourful medieval stands & trumpets announcements


Here are the key goals for this event

1.       Give a rich entertaining & pleasant experience to viewers & participants

2.       Showcase the beauty & history of the location

3.      Leverage value and returns for sponsors

I hope to bring joy to all the people involved and to viewers in the hope of making it an annual event.


Budgeting & Cash Prize

Thinking of the whole event, I am wondering what will be the different expenses involved. The main financial goal of this event will be to reach at least a break even point between income and expenses.

Covering plane tickets, sleeping places, locals, staffs, services related to the event, production, food & activities, we should be around 210’000 euros. – First estimation to be calculated end of December with monthly review.

Regarding the cash prize, a stronger CP on AOE 4 then AOE 2 and a small CP for the archery tournament. CP to be discussed

1.  AOE 4 Single 1 vs 1  – 100,000 euros
2.  AOE 2 Single 1 vs 1  – 60,000 euros
3.  Archery Tournament  – 3,000 euros

 Total incl. event expenses  & CP 373,000 euros

  • AOE 2
  • AOE 4
  • Archery
Cash Prizes 163000Euros
Plane Tickets, Food & Hotels 98000Euros
Production 50000Euros
Rent Location / discussion with Department of Aude 25000Euros
Staffs & Casters 19000Euros
Activities 5000Euros

Location: Carcassonne, South of France

  • is AOE4 going to drop
  • where to cast the games?
  • How is covid 19 situation going to be?
  • How long the event will last off site / onsite
  • Chief of staffs – look after the team
  • Accountant: Budget, Expenses
  • Human Resources Manager, taking care of players
  • Statistics specialists, looking into potential viewvers on all channels.
  • Sponsors Coordinator & search: example: AMD Ryzen new gaming laptop
  • Coordinators
  • Video & Production
  • IT

Microsoft involved in terms of support, advices, organization & financially.


I think the best will be to announce this event once we got a good analysis, get the city of Carcassonne involved, a 70% funding secured, major branding done. Also we should announce this event not to late (mid January) to keep AOE 2 & 4 to keep the pro players, streamers and all the hype on this games. We could eventually promote a new update or upcoming news during this event and get some great value for the AOE community and Microsoft Gaming.


Thank you,

Erwan (AOEByzantines)